Meet Other Doctors and Practice Skills
Register to one of TPMI’s Intensive Chiropractic Seminars
TPMI offers four, unique Intensive chiropractic seminars for doctors only. In these chiropractic seminars, you have the opportunity to practice communication skills and role-play doctor-patient conversations.
The Intensive Chiropractic Seminars
Four separate Intensive chiropractic seminars can be experienced in any order, depending on your priorities and interests.
Unlike the Comprehensive chiropractic seminars, the Intensive chiropractic seminars are presented in a small group setting, typically at the TPMI headquarters. Seating is limited. In the company of your peer doctors, you will refine your communication skills and exchange ideas in a unique, relaxed, small-group chiropractic seminar.
Everyone in attendance is well prepared to attend and perform in the Intensive chiropractic seminars. Non-TPMI clients will receive two preparation phone calls before attending so they may participate fully and get the most from the experience. Working through communication situations via role-playing is a rare and rewarding opportunity and unique to these chiropractic seminars! Doctors leave the chiropractic seminars energized and poised to exceed their current performance level.
Intensive Seminar 1
Pre-Consultation, Fade, and Minimization
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
Intensive 2
5-Minute Report of Findings & 5-Minute Re-Report of Findings
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communications Only
Intensive 3
Adjusting Dialogue and Referral
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
Intensive 4
Spinal Care Class
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
Intensive Seminar 1
Pre-Consultation, Fade, and Minimization
Intensive Seminar 2
5-Minute Report of Findings & 5-Minute Re-Report of Findings
Intensive Seminar 3
Adjusting Dialogue and Referral
Intensive Seminar 4
Spinal Care Class
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
• Copyrighted notes provided
Doctors enrolled in the programs:
• Clinic Complete
• Clinic Communication Only
Read What TPMI Doctors
Say About Our Intensive Seminars
I’ve been with Dr. Radermacher and his practice for about two months. And within those two months, my confidence as a communicating chiropractor has skyrocketed. I now know how to table talk and how to educate my patients every day that I see them. And the results show because our office numbers have been up drastically, and I look forward to the next teachings with him.CHIROPRACTIC SEMINARS TEACH COMMUNICATION SKILLS
I have been a chiropractor for 30 years working with Dr. Radermacher for the past eight or nine months. What I have learned since working with him is a better way to communicate with patients to take the stress out of the adjustment, knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to help them understand their responsibility in their health care choices and how their consistency with care is going to lead to the results of their problem.MORE FUN, BETTER PRACTICE
Dr. Radermacher has simply changed my life and my practice. I’m seeing as many patients in a week as I used to see in a month, but with infinitely less stress and less time in the office. In fact, I’m at the office just 24 hours a week, where I used to spend 40 to 60 hours each week. And, the paperwork has dwindled dramatically. I have more time with my wife. I read and relax and have fun, whereas I used to have no outside life at all. And I’m sharper than ever at work. This man is a problem solver.LEARN FROM OTHERS IN CHIROPRACTIC SEMINARS
The last great frontier in chiropractic is communication. When you get that figured out and are taught the tools of communication, you have the best chance for success. It has worked for me and for several of my friends who have been great chiropractors for over 20 years. Now with TPMI we are better chiropractors and are again enjoying being in the office helping people every day.Intensive Chiropractic Seminar 1
Pre-consultation, Fade, and Minimization
In this doctors-only, live, role-play portion of our chiropractic seminars, you will focus on the pre-consultation and dissect it into four vital parts:
- The history review
- The appeal paragraph
- The opening of the four categories
- The dance of the questions
You will also have the opportunity to practice conversations with patients about money and time fades, as well as minimization topics and appropriate doctor responses in this chiropractic seminar.
Intensive Chiropractic Seminar 2
5-Minute Report of Findings & 5-Minute Re-Report of Findings
In this chiropractic seminar, you will learn (through role-play) how to precisely build your 5-minute report of findings to match the model of practice you have chosen. You will also learn and role-play the crystal clear 5-minute re-report of findings that the majority of your patients will choose to continue their care.
Intensive Chiropractic Seminar 3
Adjusting Dialogue and Referral
This is another of the chiropractic seminars that provides an opportunity for live, role-play conversations, this time focusing on adjusting dialogue, referral dialogue, and pandemic dialogue. The critical adjusting dialogue portion will address:
- Asking your patients about the state of their pain/complaint
- Critically listening to your patient’s response.
- Engaging your patient with an appropriate topic
- Giving your patients home instruction
- Predictably closing the adjusting dialogue visit
With the information you receive in these chiropractic seminars and the practice allowed through role-playing, you will become an expert at adjusting dialogue, shave time off each patient visit, and gain confidence in your doctor-patient communications.
Intensive Chiropractic Seminar 4
Spinal Care Class
This is another one of our chiropractic seminars for doctors only that feature live role-playing. You’ll learn the critical steps for conducting a spinal care class:
- The four steps of invitation
- Spinal care class building
- Socratic teaching
You will then seize the opportunity to present your entire spinal care class for review and critique. You will hear compelling topics other doctors have developed and may even be inspired to use some of them in your own spinal care class.
Hear What TPMI Doctors
Say About Our Seminars:
One of the main reasons I joined TPMI with Dr. Radermacher was training with other doctors and for us to get on the same page and work as a great team together. I like the structure of systems that comes into play where we all train together at the chiropractic seminars with a lot of role-playing, one-on-one and we get congruency with each other, so all three of the doctors in the office are speaking the same language with each patient, and educating the patients in the same manner.APPLY KNOWLEDGE FROM THE CHIROPRACTIC SEMINARS
Many management consultants, and so-called experts, just keep pumping out fluffy chiropractic seminars and tapes that will often cause the chiropractor to become momentarily hopeful, pleased, and satisfied soon to return to the day-to-day reality that they are still frustrated, confused, and filled with self-doubt. Dr. Radermacher is refreshingly intelligent, provocative, and insightful; penetrating beneath the surface to expose in-depth, unique insights into the inner workings of what chiropractic practice can and should be. The information presented is intensely clear and organized and focuses on specific issues all chiropractors need to know to achieve a balanced life, both professionally and personally. You will quickly understand the information and be able to implement your newly gained knowledge almost immediately.REDISCOVER YOUR PASSION FOR CHIROPRACTIC
Honestly, I didn’t want to come to the chiropractic seminars this weekend, not because I don’t value what you have to say, but because I was building a huge wall around myself, as far as not wanting to care about, gosh, this whole profession anymore. But I attended, anyway, with a lot of encouragement. When I arrived, I decided it wouldn’t be necessary for me to participate, because I had sort of lost all my passion. Being the stubborn person that I am, I decided to participate anyway. And, I can’t tell you how much I learned this weekend. It’s not just some pumped-up feeling that will fade on Monday; this was by far the best seminar I have ever attended…ever! And I truly can’t imagine a better way to have spent my weekend. Thank you! I feel like I should say something bigger…that just doesn’t seem like enough.PRAISE FOR TPMI CHIROPRACTIC SEMINARS!
I could not place an amount of money on the value of what I gained from attending and participating in the TPMI Intensive chiropractic seminars this weekend. Having been a client for over 15 years, the number of critical points I picked up is nothing short of mind-boggling! The introduction on Friday night was rippled with key points, any single one of which would have been worth the time and money invested in me to attend. They included:• Being perceptive to potential patient drift and knowing how to save the patient from “crashing onshore”.
• Listening better and being very perceptive to what the patient is really saying “behind their words”.
• Combining linear and dynamic communication into “linamic” communications to become analytically and impactfully effective.
• Understanding the deeper “codes” that drive both doctors and patients.
• The absolute need for patients to be enjoyably “participating” in their care.
• And, the phenomenal youthful vitality point.Applying any one of these points from the TPMI chiropractic seminars will transform my practice.