Get a Taste of TPMI With Our Comprehensive Seminars

For Chiropractors and Staff Team

At the Comprehensive Seminars, you will hear revolutionary, proven ideas for your clinic that will rejuvenate your business goals and help you achieve a better work-life balance.

There Are Three Specific Comprehensive Seminars for Chiropractors in the Series

The Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors and staff team are presented at a hotel or venue in a classroom-style setting. Each one of the seminars for chiropractors is designed to be experienced independently, so you may attend them in the order that makes sense for you.

Information about our other seminar series, the Intensive Seminars, which feature small-group seminars for chiropractors where we role-play and practice communication skills, is available here.

Comprehensive Seminar 1

Doctor, Patient,
and Staff Communication


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete
Clinic Communication Only

Comprehensive Seminar 2

Mankind’s Opportunity, Chiropractic


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete
Clinic Communications Only

Comprehensive Seminar 3

Running an Office


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete

Comprehensive Seminar 1

Doctor, Patient,
and Staff Communication

Comprehensive Seminar 2

Mankind’s Opportunity, Chiropractic

Comprehensive Seminar 3

an Office


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


• For all attendees from a single office
• Copyrighted notes provided  


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete
Clinic Communications Only


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete
Clinic Communications Only


Doctors enrolled in the programs:
Clinic Complete

Read What TPMI Doctors
Say About Our Comprehensive Seminars

Comprehensive Seminars for Chiropractors 1

Doctor, Patient, and Staff Communication

Chiropractic Seminars

This initial offering in the Comprehensive seminars for chiropractors will discuss communications topics you’ll use with patients… and that your staff will learn to echo. 

Since a major theme of the seminars for chiropractors is for the staff team and the doctor to be on the same page to support patients in care, it is also recommended that you register your staff team for this particular event.   

These seminars for chiropractors show doctors and staff teams how to synchronize their communication with patients. 

The topics discussed in this first of the Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors include:

The Day 1: Pre-Consultation

You’ll learn how to gather specific and customized life impact details from new patients in the first of these seminars for chiropractors. The new approach presented gives patients a candid look into how their pain/complaint is negatively impacting their lives. You’ll learn how taking this step, in doctor-patient communication, encourages patients to choose care and responsibility for follow through. 

The 5-Minute Report of Findings (ROF)

In this topic within the Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors, you’ll learn the secret to delivering a thorough, non-pressured report of finding in under five minutes. With practice, you will be able to deliver a concise, complete, ROF that does not overwhelm the patient and instead encourages cooperation in their care. 

The 5-Minute Re-Report of Findings (Re-ROF)

The customizable 5-Minute Re-ROF will help you brilliantly deliver the information and parameters of patient care using an objective tool that reveals potential for change. Your patients will be compelled to commit to their care in a meaningful way, thanks to a new understanding of how to clarify messages to patients during the re-report of findings. 

The Patient-Fade Response

Statistics have shown that as many as 60% of patients fade away and quit care within the first nine visits because of time or money. Among the information we present in these seminars for chiropractors, we will teach you how to effectively respond to patient fade and direct the patients to focus on their best interest instead. You’ll learn ways to overcome fade and motivate patients to take responsibility for their care.

The Patient Minimization Response

Like patient fade, minimization is something patients do before they quit care. They minimize their pain or the problem causing their pain/complaint. In this portion of the seminars for chiropractors, you will discover new ways to help a patient understand there is a problem behind their pain, how they can respond to it, and what they can do to take their care into their own hands with your help. 

Upcoming Seminars
Upcoming Seminars

Comprehensive Seminars for Chiropractors 2

Mankind’s Opportunity,

Woman paying attention to comprehensive seminar.

In this second of the Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors, you and your staff team will learn how and why to structure patient ownership and responsibility before laying the actual groundwork of how to successfully use information and traits to teach patients.

Compared to other seminars for chiropractors, we cover unique material such as:​

The power of the forward pronoun

A tweak to your communication has the ability to assist patients in their care and encourage cooperation. 

Building confidence

You will learn the absolute advantage of only using solid (instead of commonly used fragile) building blocks to build confidence throughout your practice, in both you and your staff team.

Three models in practice

Learn what the three models of practice are and how to choose the best one for you to succeed comfortably and consistently.  

Science of communicating

In this part of the seminars for chiropractors, we’ll show you how to “connect” with every patient on every visit, regardless of their unique situation or personality.

Image points

You will gain a crystal clear understanding of the doctor image, the staff team image, and the office image. You’ll learn how to easily enhance each area to support the basics of practice building.

Adjusting dialogue

Within the Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors, you will learn the “seven communications topics” so critical for chiropractic care, and one of the most important is adjusting dialogue. This technique will safeguard you from becoming frustrated and stressed by patients who require a greater understanding to participate in their care. Knowing you have a complex level of knowledge about chiropractic, we will show you how to teach what you know to your patient in a simple manner that is customized to their needs, and conversational. Our seminars for chiropractors teach communication with patients without overwhelming them with unnecessary detail. You’ll learn how to rely upon communication skills, not your likeability or charisma. We’ll also examine dialogue from the angle of how much time you spend with patients, and you’ll see how much time you can gain back in practice by mastering the techniques we present. The communication skills you will learn in TPMI’s seminars for chiropractors will help you become a better communicator, and achieve stronger patient retention and additional patient referrals.

Spinal care class

Statistics continue to prove that spinal care class attendees have between 2.5 and 10 times more care than non-spinal care class attendees. In this portion of our seminars for chiropractors, we will show you best practices and ways to boost your spinal care class attendance, reinvigorate your content, and engage your attendees. You’ll learn the optimum length for a class, the four powerful topics you need to cover, and how to get the attendees involved in the presentation.


Many of the die-hard marketing strategies of just a few years ago are no longer valid, and this is one of the burning topics in today’s seminars for chiropractors. The chiropractic marketing strategy of today needs to fit your model in practice, your community, and your personal strengths. You will learn what type of marketing will work best for your practice and how inexpensive it can be. 

Upcoming Seminars

Comprehensive Seminars for Chiropractors 3

Running an Office​

Intensive Chiropractic Seminars

In this third of the Comprehensive Seminars for chiropractors, the material focuses on having a system of organization that is poised for growth and also synchronizes all communication throughout the practice, for a seamless and cohesive patient experience. A well-run organization is armed with the processes to effortlessly manage whatever may come. We teach you how to avoid the pitfall of concentrating on growth before your systems are ready and the overwhelming stress that comes with it. This one of our seminars for chiropractors also shows you and your staff team how to recognize and overhaul mismatched systems that were never meant to work together so you can have the best ones in place at your office.

Topics include:​


Most doctors hire “nice” people and simply expect “nice” staff team members to produce impeccable performance. This portion of our seminars for chiropractors shows you how to recruit ideal candidates with specific ads, critical resume analysis, and how to recognize those who may have appropriate skills and personality styles to make the ultimate difference in your clinic. You’ll learn the best way to perform first (group) and second (individual) interviews to hone in on the individual with the energy and the requisite skills to become a superstar staff team member. 

Staff training

This part of our seminars for chiropractors will help you to differentiate and maximize uptime and downtime training. It also includes how to communicate the doctor’s business philosophy and chiropractic philosophy, so the new staff team member understands the clinic’s mission. The actual staff team training covers details from phone etiquette to in-person communications before moving on to the task details for specific department training. The chiropractic practice management seminar covers front desk, new patient assistant, therapist, billing, and scribe positions, with an emphasis on the importance of cross-training for appropriate position coverage.

Office organization

In this portion of our seminars for chiropractors, the greatest areas of concern in the organization of a chiropractic office are covered, including the use of uptime and downtime for peak efficiency and right-staffing. We’ll show you the importance of having a complete office manual to standardize training and detail duties and dialogue, so team members have proper responses to every situation. You will also learn how to become a high-volume, high-retention office with an 18-hour patient care week. Not only can it be done by implementing the techniques in our seminars for chiropractors, but it can help you and your staff team reach the highest level of performance! Finally, we’ll address patient scheduling and share the impressive insight behind cluster scheduling with day-to-day visits on the top and bottom of the hour and specialty schedules comfortably occupying the quarter hours.


Behind every number is a real live patient, and if you run an office without keeping extensive, detailed, and accurate statistics, you may be making decisions based on emotion or intuition. Our seminars for chiropractors emphasize that statistics are a magnified window into the inner workings of your practice. We’ll show you how they reveal your clinic’s strengths, weaknesses, and trends, and how to appropriately respond to spikes and valleys.

Tracking forms

Tracking forms are essential for you to run a successful practice. Once you implement a valid tracking form into your clinic, you will never want to be without it!

Appointments-Missed, Rescheduled, and Make Ups

You will learn why these subsets are the responsibility of the patient and how to respond accordingly.

Office Layout

The layout of your office should match your practice model. In this portion of our seminars for chiropractors, you’ll learn how an appropriate office layout allows for a smaller physical office space and offers an enhanced opportunity for your patients to learn a great deal about chiropractic, health, and their own care. 

Team organization

This portion of our seminars for chiropractors covers team cohesion, and the reasoning behind and the power of staff team huddles and productive staff team meetings.


The art of monitoring your practice is discussed in this portion of our seminars for chiropractors. If you are not self-monitoring in a variety of areas, or your staff team is not monitoring itself, your office may get off track. Monitoring identifies challenges even before they occur, and offers an opportunity to operate flawlessly, year after year.

Upcoming Seminars
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Morning Truth

A TPMI podcast of free, weekly short bursts of inspiration for chiropractors to positively kick off the week.

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Doctor, Patient, and Staff Communication​

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Intensive Seminars' Calendar​

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